• The Benefits of Industrial Recycling

    Almost all industrial processes produce waste, and much of this waste is reusable and recyclable. If your company produces industrial waste near Atlanta , a waste management company that specializes in industrial recycling can offer your company recycling tips that will help you reduce, reuse, and recycle your industrial waste. Here are some of the primary benefits of industrial recycling.

    Save Money, Energy, and Resources
    Recycling your company’s industrial byproducts and waste can save your company a lot of money by Industrial Recycling Services Atlanta decreasing your disposal costs and material costs. A waste management company can advise you on how to reduce the amount of waste that your company generates, allowing you to spend less on waste disposal and recycling. They will provide analytical data and reporting and will help you improve your site logistics, which will allow you to manage your costs and reduce your overall expenses.

    Save Environmental Resources and Energy
    Industrial recycling preserves the earth’s natural resources by decreasing the demand for new materials. Recycling also conserves energy by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing the demand for products made from manufacturing processes that are very energy intensive. For instance, scrap metal recycling reduces the energy requirements of manufacturing new tin and steel products by 60-70%. Recycling just one ton of steel eliminates the need to mine 2,500 pounds of iron ore and 1,400 pounds of coal.

    Increase Your Company’s Overall Value
    In addition to saving your company money and helping you become more eco-friendly, industrial recycling also makes your company more valuable to customers and investors. As people become more aware of the increasing taxes and burdens we’re placing on the environment, they want to align themselves with environmentally friendly companies that are doing their part to conserve the earth’s natural resources. If your company implements sustainability programs, such as a zero waste initiative or an industrial recycling program, you can also become eligible for special programs and certifications. These programs and certifications can lead to new business opportunities, and increased savings for your company.

  • Choosing a Waste Management Plan for Your Commercial Property

    Commercial waste management Atlanta When you own a commercial property, you need a comprehensive waste management plan to prevent health and safety hazards, and maintain the appearance of your building. Waste management plans in Atlanta include recycling, dumpster rentals, trash pickup, and waste disposal. These services are necessary for your business to run smoothly and effectively. Here are some tips for choosing the right waste management plan for your commercial property.

    Opt for Scheduled Trash Pickup and Waste Disposal
    The most convenient element of any waste management program is a scheduled trash pickup and waste disposal service. Your waste management company will allow you to rent a dumpster, which will then be emptied by a trash company on a regular schedule, which is customized to meet your needs. For companies that produce a lot of waste, this service is invaluable, as it ensures that trash and refuse don’t build up and negatively affect the company’s appearance or reputation

    Find a Plan That Allows You to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
    Recycling affords you company the opportunity to reduce waste, and reuse and recycle certain materials. A recycling center can handle paper, electronics, wood, scrap metal, cardboard, plastic recycling. Recycling bins should be placed around the building, and employees should be trained to understand what materials can be reused and recycled. A commercial recycling program benefits your company by cutting waste management costs, and allowing you to become more eco-friendly by reducing the unnecessary production of materials.

    Invest In a Waste Analytics Service
    Waste analytics is a significant service that can save your company money. A comprehensive waste management plan should include data that can make your waste disposal services much more efficient. This data includes information about your waste production patterns, and the type of waste that is disposed of. Waste analytics services make it easier to schedule your trash pickup and modify your waste disposal practices so that you can reduce waste, reuse salvageable supplies, and recycle valuable materials. All of these tools will lower your waste management costs and have a positive environmental impact.

  • A Look at Zero Waste Initiatives From Southern Waste and Recycling

    At Southern Waste and Recycling, we understand that many companies want to reduce the expense of their waste removal services and decrease the amount of trash that ends up in landfills. We’ve made a commitment to helping our customers reach their goals via our Zero Waste to Landfill Initiatives. With more than 50% of the waste near Atlanta being buried in landfills, we believe these initiatives are very valuable.

    Taking advantage of our sustainability models will help your company save money and be more eco-friendly. Zero Waste Initiatives Atlanta Adopting zero waste policies by recycling and eliminating sources of waste within your company can also make you more attractive to new customers and investors.

    Our services allow us to recycle more than 80% of our customer’s waste at our recycling center. We also return usable materials back to the economy while saving landfill space. These programs can save our customers up to 30% on their waste management costs. We can recycle a variety of materials, such as ferrous and non-ferrous metals, plastics, film, pallets, wood crates, electronics, mixed paper, and cardboard. We can even repurpose traditionally non-recyclable materials, such as food waste.

  • Know the Dos and Don’ts of Recycling

    “Reduce, reuse, recycle” is an important mantra to keep in mind, but it is also important that you remember that not everything can be recycled. Recycling rules typically vary by city or area, and certain waste materials cannot be taken in; search the Internet to find out about your local recycling rules so you can make sure that the waste you recycle is indeed recyclable. It is also important to look out for companies that encourage you to participate in their recycling programs, despite the fact that their programs are still harmful to the environment . If you want to practice optimal commercial and industrial waste management techniques in order to keep your business environmentally Recycling Atlanta friendly, the first step is always staying informed.

    Reuse Creatively
    Once you determine which items cannot be recycled, consider the first two aspects of the mantra: reduce and reuse. Avoid purchasing and using unrecyclable products in favor of greener alternatives. If you do decide to use products that cannot be recycled, consider how you can repurpose them before making the purchase.

  • Step by Step: Reducing Your Business’s Carbon Footprint

    Commercial Recycling Atlanta Whether you work for a large corporation or a local business, it’s important to evaluate how your company’s practices affect the environment. Your carbon footprint has an impact on the local environment and economy, and can be a part of a global effort to go green. To begin reducing your commercial carbon consumption, first evaluate your current practices to see which areas you should address. You might start small by encouraging responsible energy usage, or implement a recycling program to deal with your plastic, metal, paper, and other waste. Take a look at this infographic from a recycling center near Atlanta to learn more about what you can do to reduce your carbon consumption. Please share with your friends and colleagues.

  • Getting to Know Southern Waste and Recycling

    At Southern Waste and Recycling, we pride ourselves on providing the most reliable and comprehensive recycling and waste management services in Atlanta . We don’t think of our company as merely a waste disposal company, however. We take the time to get to know our customers so that we can provide them with personal service that is tailored to their wants and needs. Because of that, our services continue to grow and evolve.

    Not Just Waste Disposal
    In addition to our waste management services, we also are committed to helping our customers improve site logistics and implement sustainable principles when possible. We do this by providing analytical data and Southern Waste & Recycling Atlanta reporting, and adhering to very strict standards of service for each one of the jobs that we execute. Whether you’re in need of recycling services, junk removal, bulk waste removal, a dumpster rental, or industrial or commercial waste disposal, our experienced staff can help you out. We also offer equipment rental and equipment repair services for a variety of waste management equipment.

    Exceptional Customer Service
    The high standards that we follow ensure that we are providing the best customer service possible to each and every one of our clients. We have a 24-hour customer service hotline, and treat every call as a priority. No matter how complicated your request, question, or problem is, we guarantee that our talented team can handle it with a minimum of fuss and time. We also provide monitoring services for your waste volume to ensure that your waste management services are scheduled in a timely manner, as well as immediate container delivery and service to existing containers.

    Stewards of Sustainability
    Our company is proud to be an advocate for eco-friendly waste management and environmentally friendly business practices. We provide services to businesses in the community that help them reduce the costs of their waste removal, and reduce the amount of waste that they are producing. We can help your company adopt sustainability initiatives, such as recycling services, to make it easy to reduce your carbon footprint.

  • Tips for Waste Reduction

    Commercial and Industrial businesses generate a substantial amount of waste in Atlanta on a daily basis, and landfills are starting to reach their capacities; since waste disposal must inevitably continue, it will have to be done in new and creative ways in order to reduce environmental impact. Keep reading if you are interested in learning about a few tips for waste reduction.

    While most products that businesses buy are consumed, ingested, or otherwise used for their particular purpose, the packaging they come in is typically thrown directly into the garbage. While recycling has become a partial solution to the growing trash problem, other efforts will be needed in order to see a noticeable effect. Material recovery facilities have also furthered the cause, and repurposing materials has been an important missing piece. Before throwing out a piece of garbage, think about whether or not someone else could use it for a productive purpose.

  • Amazing Facts about Recycling

    Industrial and Commercial Recycling Facts Atlanta Waste management in Atlanta has always been a tricky process; many seemingly unusable trash items are stored in landfills, but landfills are running out of room and the rate of waste disposal is not slowing down to nearly a sufficient degree. Fortunately, recycling has been a saving grace and a prominent method of diverting waste away from landfills. Here is a quick look at just a few amazing facts about recycling.

    Recycling can make a significant impact on society’s ability to preserve the environment and make the most of garbage. Fortunately, the recycling process is simple. A task as easy as throwing aluminum cans away in a special bin can prevent these reusable resources from finding their way into the depths of landfills, never to be seen again. Billions of dollars worth of aluminum has been landfilled instead of working its way back into the market to be reused and repurposed. In addition to small items like aluminum cans, larger materials and pieces of machinery can provide a substantial return when they are scrapped. Tires and oil can both be salvaged off of and out of junkyard cars to be returned to the market.

  • 5 Keys to Establishing an R3 Practice

    · Build more sustainable products

    · Adopt more sustainable processes for packaging & distribution

    · Develop a materials management program Establishing an R3 Practice Atlanta

    · Involve your people

    · Measure progress

    Each month, we will take a deeper look into each of these components. We welcome the opportunity to talk with you at any time about our commitment to be good stewards of the environment and how we can help you with your own sustainability initiatives. Call us at 866-228-3668 .

  • Reuse, Reduce, Recycle: Establishing an “R3” Program

    Increasingly, our clients and prospective clients are interested in sustainability and operating in a way that is supportive of the environment as well as the communities in which they operate for the long term. With increasing focus from both the public and private sector as well as pressure from end-user consumers to be “more green,” forward-thinking organizations of all shapes and sizes are looking not only for mechanisms to help them be more environmentally sensitive but to follow a model for sustainability that affords them livelihood R3 Programs Atlanta into the next century. Southern Waste & Recycling clients are interested
    in how their policies and operations affect:

    · The environment

    · Financial performance

    · People, locally and globally

    Organizations that embrace sustainability find that their efforts yield stronger financial performance and profitability, improved investment from stakeholders and enhanced employee commitment. They also enjoy an improved reputation and increased brand awareness for their products and services because of their sustainability initiatives.

    The concept of sustainability is easy to grasp at a high level. But as you get into the nuts and bolts and put theory into practice, this concept becomes more complex. What is the impact on a business’ strategy and day-to-day operations? How will the organization’s stakeholders be affected? How can you measure the impact of your operations, products and services on the environment? How can you improve on a continual basis?

    While the specific metrics in what is often called the “sustainability index” ultimately adopted by each organization will be unique, at Southern Waste & Recycling we’ve identified five key factors that we believe are not just worthy of evaluation but merit clear definition and critical assessment (at regular intervals) in order to implement and maintain an effective sustainability program focused on reusing, repurposing and recycling.